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Database: Composers
Name of the author: BARGIELSKI, ZBIGNIEW
Year of Birth: 1937
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Text information: Name: Bargielski, Zbigniew (Pseudonyme): *: 1937.01.21 in: Lomza, Polen +: in:
Zbigniew Bargielski wurde am 21. Jänner 1937 in Lomza (Polen) geboren und absolvierte ein Jura-Studium an der Universität in Lublin. Sein Musik-Studium erhielt er später an der Musikhochschule in Warschau, wo er das Fach Komposition belegte. Ihm wurden zahlreiche Auszeichnungen verliehen, dazu zählen der 1. Preis beim Wettbewerb junger polnischer Komponisten in Warschau im Jahre 1965. Weiters eine Auszeichnung auf der Internationalen Komponisten Tribüne "UNESCO" in Paris, sowie erhielt er mehrere Preise bei Kompositionswettbewerben. 1986 erhielt er ein Förderungsstipendium der Österreichischen Regierung. Bei vielen Aufführungen anläßlich von Festspielen hat er sich einen großen Namen gemacht, darunter der "Warschauer Herbst", "Muzicki Biennale Zagreb", "Festival de Paris", "Steirischer Herbst", "Leningrader Frühling" u.s.w. Mehrere Jahre fungierte er auch als Präsident der Vereinigung junger polnischer Komponisten und war auch als Kritiker und Publizist in führenden polnischen Fach- und Tageszeitungen allgegenwärtig. Derzeit lebt der Komponist in Österreich.
Zbigniew Bargielski, was born on January 21, 1937 in Lomza, Poland. He studied law at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin (1954-57). In 1958 he began studying composition at the State College of Music in Warsaw under Tadeusz Szeligowski. After his teacher's death he continued his studies under Boleslaw Szabelski at the State College of Music in Katowice, where he graduated in composition in 1964. As a holder of a scholarship which had been granted him by the French government he completed his studies under Nadia Boulanger in Paris (1966-67) and also at the Hochschule für Musik in Graz (1972). From 1976 he has been staying in Austria, being engaged in teaching. His compositions have been played at several festivals of contemporary music, such as "Warsaw Autumn", "Muzicki Biennale Zagreb", "Festival de Paris" and "Steirischer Herbst" in Graz. He has received prizes at composers' competitions, among them the First Prize at the Young Polish Composers' Competition for "Parades for Orchestra" (Warsaw, 1965) and the Second Prize at the Arthur Malawski Composers' Competition (Cracow, 1976), as well as the Mention at the UNESCO International Composer' Rostrum (Paris, 1981) for "Alpine" String Quartet. In his compositions Bargielski applies his own method of the organization of sound material. This method consists in adequate balancing of proportions of quantity, dynamic and instrumentation that occur between centre sounds "specially isolated) or constant harmonic centres (sets of sounds) and the remaining sounds of the twelve-tone scale (neutral or "neutralizing" sounds). The system based on this method has been named the theory of centre structures by the composer. For the first time he put this theory into practice in his "Rose Garden" (1971) and, subsequently, in most of his works.


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