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Datenbank: Notenblätter / Partituren
Kategorie: Blasorchester / Fanfare / Brass / Big Band
Unterkategorie: Zeitgenoessische Originalmusik (20. / 21. Jhdt)
Artikelnummer: 1063408
Werktitel: HAJJ
Erscheinungsjahr: 2000
Land: USA (US)
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 6 (Äusserst schwer)
Besetzungsart: BLASORCHESTER
Dauer: 8:40
Cover: Cover
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Partitur: Partitur Hier klicken
Preis in EUR: (exkl.Mwst) 118.20 (unverbindlicher Richtpreis)
Ab in die Jukebox: Ab in die Jukebox (Nr. 1063408_HAJJ.mp3)
Zusatzinformation: This work is offered as a tribute to the faithful who each year make the HAJJ, a pilgrimage to Mecca... and to all those who make each day a new step in Life's journey. HAJJ is about the moment before the real Prayer begins. It is fraught with intrigue, and sidetracked adventure, moments of introspection and exuberant dance! Many contrasting sections offer the ensemble its opportunity to explore superimposed styles and varied colours. The work may also be rendered as a combined work for Band of the 3rd Millennium and Jazz Ensemble. The intent of this work suggests something more global, more akin to all of our Natures. We are, it seems, always involved in a going forth. Like a pilgrim, the voyage begins with full knowledge of what to expect. And then, just like a pilgrim, when the moment of Truth arrives... it is always so much more than what was hoped for. To this journey, this quest, this pilgrimage, I leave you this piece... HAJJ. The addition of HAJJ to the repertoire is made possible by the joint effort and commitment of many dedicated individuals. My many thanks to these champions of Music and Music Education.
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