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Datenbank: Notenblätter / Partituren
Kategorie: Blasorchester / Fanfare / Brass / Big Band
Unterkategorie: Konzertmusik
Artikelnummer: 1318946
Werktitel: DARK MOON
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Land: Italien (IT)
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 2+ (Mittel - Mittelschwer)
Besetzungsart: BLASORCHESTER
Dauer: 05:00
Partitur: Partitur Hier klicken
Preis in EUR: (exkl.Mwst) 65.00 (unverbindlicher Richtpreis)
Zusatzinformation: In a cold winter night, the wind violently shakes trees and dark clouds hide the moon. Thousands of thoughts crowd into a child's mind when he tries to fall asleep. Darkness makes his bedroom seem a different place, almost a dangerous place, where dangers hide behind every corner. Every little sound catches the child's attention and makes him trouble. He is afraid of things he cannot see and even the shadow of the most harmless object in the room makes him scared. He lays still in his bed, his face under the blanket. He tries to drive troubles away thinking about the good moments spent during the day, but as soon as he starts calming down, a little buzz takes him back to the darkness of his room. Will he manage to fall asleep? To write this composition, the author used the theme of a French popular song ''Au Clair de la Lune''. He distorted it in a hexatonic scale and created an harmonic context which can be defined grotesque and oneiric at the same time. Drums thumping rhythm, the clusters and the vocal effects aim to reproduce the fear which overcomes the child's mind. On the other hand, the original theme, cantabile and clearly contrasting, which is repeated throughout the composition, symbolizes the search for serenity. Dark Moon is a swirl of moods and states of mind and even more. It is also an unusual lullaby inspired by little fears that everyone in every time has experienced, sometimes for no reason. All those fears can be exorcized and sooth as soon as you let yourself asleep.
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