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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Keyboard/Piano/Vocal/Gitarre
Artikelnummer: 8006975
Werktitel: Shania Twain: Up!
Land: USA (US)
Preis in EUR: (exkl. Mwst) aktueller Martkpreis
Inhalt: ISBN: 0757911005

Up! I'm Gonna Getcha Good!; She's not just a pretty face; Juanita; Forever and for Always; Ain't no particular way; It only hurts when I'm breathing; Nah!; (Wanna get to know you) That Good!; C'est la vie; I'm Jealous; Ka-Ching!; Thank you Baby! (For Makin' Someday Come So Soon); Waiter! Bring me Water!; What a way to wanna be!; I Ain't Goin' down; I'm not in the mood (To say no)!; In my car (I'll be the driver); When you kiss me;
Ergänzungstext: Up! Is the much anticipated new release from international superstar Shania Twain. It is the follow up to "Come on Over", the most successful female solo artist album of all time and the biggest-selling country album of all time with sales of more than 34 million copies. Up! Debuted at number one on the Billboard album and country charts. With a whopping 19 songs co-pened with husband/producer/collaborator Robert John "Mutt" Lange, this album is posed to stay on the charts indefinitely! Warner Bros. Publications is proud to present the album-matching folio to this hot new album. This book also includes four pages of stunning color photographs.
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