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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Keyboard/Piano/Vocal/Gitarre
Artikelnummer: 8008119
Werktitel: Vanessa Carlton: Be not nobody
Cover: Cover
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Inhalt: The matching folio to the much awaited debut release from the ex-ballerina and classical pianist turned rock/pop songstress. Arranged for piano, voice and guitar, it includes the hit singe "A Thousand Miles".

Titles: A Thousand Miles; Ordinary Day; Unsung; Pretty Baby; Rinse; Sway; Pardise; prince; Wanted; Twilight;
Ergänzungstext: Growing up in a musical household, singer/songwriter Vanessa Carlton was deeply influenced by a diverse group of artists, from Mozart, Debusy, and Satie, to Pink Floyd and PJ Harvey, and she was composing her own songs by the age of 8. Be not Nobdy, the debut album release from this small-town Pennsylvania girl, topped the Billboard charts at No. 5 after its release and has received rave reviews from critics and fans alike. Also includes four pages of full-color interior artwork!
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