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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Keyboard/Piano/Vocal/Gitarre
Artikelnummer: 8001501
Werktitel: Cafe Del Mar Collection
Interpret: DIVERSE
Preis in EUR: (exkl. Mwst) aktueller Martkpreis
Mit CD
Inhalt: ISBN: 1-84328-174-0, PVG

Altogether Blue (The Horns of plenty); Close cover (Wim Mertens); Gabriel (Lamb); Redemption Song (Moodswings); Smokebelch II (Breathless Mix); So long ago, so clear (Jon and Vangelis); The Look of love (Dusty Springfield); Tout est bleu (Ame Strong); Utopia (Goldfrapp); Whispering wind (Moby);
Ergänzungstext: For more than 20 years the legendary Cafe del Mar has served up the greatest in chill-out music to ist legions of fans that flock to its beach side location in San Antonio, Ibiza to watch the sun set. Due to its popularity, the now world famous Café Del Mar CD's were issued so that holidaymakers could recapture moments from their holidays. The sales of these CD's now run into millions and there are more than 15 collections available, selling in numerous countries throughout the world. In collaboration with Café Del Mar, IMP has produced a book and play-alon CD that captures some of greatest pieces of music to appear on the Café Del Mar catalogue of CD's. The CD contains backing tracks to 10 of Café Del Mar greatest moments including Gabriel by Lamb, Tout Est Bleu by Ame Strong and Utopia by Goldfrapp. The CD also includes a special interactive track for use on a home computer, the track shows a short film of the Café set to music, so the listener can truly chill-out to the Café Del Mar vibe.
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