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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Keyboard/Piano/Vocal/Gitarre
Artikelnummer: 8002886
Werktitel: Fred Hammond: Speak Those Things: POL Chapter 3
Land: USA (US)
Cover: Cover
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Inhalt: ISBN: 0757909493, Piano/Vocal/Chords

Titel included:
You are my daily bread; Lord of the Harvest; Show yourself strong; Everything to me; I will say; You are my life; Great; Show me your face; Praise him through the night; We are more than able; He is not just a man; My My My God is good; A song of strength; When it gets down to it; That ain't nothin'.
Ergänzungstext: Dove award-winning singer-songwriter Fred Hammond has released yet another critically acclaimed album, speak those Things: POL Chapter 3, showcasing contemporary gospel songs with an upbeat and inspirational flare drawn from today's R&B and hip-hop.
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