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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Keyboard/Piano/Vocal/Gitarre
Artikelnummer: 8003192
Werktitel: Greatest Pop Hits of 2002
Land: USA (US)
Cover: Cover
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Inhalt: ISBN: 0757909051, Piano/Vocal/Chords

All the chart-topping hits from 2002 are now available in one book! Songs by Britney Spears, Vanessa Carlton, No Doubt, Bon Jovi, Elton John, plus many others. A great gift for holidays!

41 titles including:
All you wanted; Beautiful (as you); Break me; Complicated; Escape; Everyday; For you; Girlfriend; Hands clean; Hey Baby; I'm not a girl, not yet a Woman; Ooops (Oh My); Still; To where you are; We are all made of stars; What about us?; You; and many more;
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