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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Zupfinstrument
Artikelnummer: 8003056
Werktitel: Grateful Dead: Easy Guitar Anthology: 20 Greatest
Land: USA (US)
Preis in EUR: (exkl. Mwst) aktueller Martkpreis
Inhalt: ISBN: 0757909434, Easy Guitar

This edition in the Easy Guitar Anthology series pays homage to this legendary band with twenty of their most well-known songs arranged in Easy Guitar format. A must-have!
Titles are:
Bertha; Big Railroad Blues; Black Peter; Box of Rain; Casey Jones; China Cat Sunflower; Cumberland Blues; Dark Star; Friend of the Devil; Going down the Road Feelin' Bad; I know you rider; Me and my Uncle; New Speedway Boogie; One More Saturday night; Playing in the Band; Ripple; Sugar Magnolia; Touch of Grey; Truckin'; Uncle John's Band;
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