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Database: Composers
Name of the author: BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN
Year of Birth: 1685
Year of death: 1750
Image file: Komponist/Composer
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Text information: Name: Bach, JS. (Bach, Johann Sebastian) *: 1685.03.21 in: Eisenach +: 1750.07.28. in: Leipzig
Johann Sebastian Bach ist Sohn des Hof- und Stadtmusicus Johann Ambrosius Bach und Elisabeth Bach, geb. Lämmerhirt und somit Mitglied der weitverzweigten Bach'schen Musikerfamilie. Der Tradition entsprechend erhielt er die ersten Anweisungen in der Musik von seinem Vater auf der Bläser- und Streicherkunst des Stadtpfeifers und besuchte die Lateinschule seiner Heimatstadt, wo er auch die Grundelemente der Musik und des Kirchengesangs lernte. Nach dem Tode seiner Eltern kam er zu seinem Bruder Johann Christoph Bach, einem Organisten und Klavierspieler der von J.Pachelbel ausgebildet war, welcher ihn in die Kunst dieser Instrumentengattung einführte, aber auch in die der Kompositionstechnik.
With a background which boasted approximately 200 musical ancestors, it is not surprising that Bach developed a keen interest in music at a young age. Left an orphan at the age of ten, Johann began to teach himself music. At fifteen Johann was engaged as a singer at St. Michael's Church, where he continued his study of music. Having mastered the violin and clavier, he devoted himself to the study and mastery of the organ. Offered a position as organist in the town of Arnstadt at the age of eighteen, he accepted, and proceeded to dedicate himself to the art of composition. As a court organist and violinist under Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Weimar, and as director of chamber music to young Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cöthen, he took advantage of every free moment to perfect himself in composition. For his last 27 years, Bach was director of music in the churches of St. Thomas and St. Nicholas and choirmaster at St. Thomas School in Leipzig. Many of his greatest works were composed during this period. The great polyphonic style of the Baroque period culminated with the compositions of J.S. Bach. Bach's only known work for a large wind ensemble is the "Cantata #18", "O Jesu Christ", "Mein Lebens Licht", written in 1737 as a funeral cantata. However, over 140 of Bach's compositions have been arranged for band.


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