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Database: Composers
Name of the author: COPLAND, AARON
Year of Birth: 1900
Year of death: 1990
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Text information: Name: Copland, Aaron (Pseudonyme): *: 1900.11.14 in: Brooklyn, New Jersey +: 1990.12.02 in: Westchester, New York
In den zwanziger und den frühen dreissiger Jahren war Coplands Musiksprache sehr stark durch seine Studienzeit bei Nadia Boulanger in Paris und durch Strawinskys Einfluss geprägt. Coplands Musik hatte mit der von Strawinsky ein besonderes Fingerspitzengefühl für das Tänzerische gemein. Ab Mitte der dreissiger Jahre wandelte sich Coplands Stil. Er begann nach einem Musiktypus zu suchen, der dem Allgemeinverständnis des Durchschnittsamerikaners entgegenkam. Es war allerdings nicht seine Absicht, populär zu wirken, (obwohl dieser Effekt nicht ausblieb); er versuchte, Musik einem möglichst grossen Publikum nahezubringen.
Aaron Copland is unequally in stature among American composers. Aside fom his prodigious output, Copland's role as pioneer and mentor to succeeding generations of American composers was indispensable to the development of a distinctly American style. His early works established him as paradigm in American music. His use of advanced harmonic and rhythmic practices, as well as hig incorporation of jazz elements in "serious" concert music, caused him to be viewed in conservative circles as a wild modernist. During the mid-1930's, Copland turned to writing in a more accessible style. His use of American folk tunes and cowboy songs, along with his development of less complicated harmonic vocabulary (characterized by open intervals), created a prototypical American sound. As a composer and writer, Copland was acclaimed throughout his career: he won the Pulitzer Prize and the New York Critics Circle Award and was Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetics at Harvard University, 1951-52. He also published three works on music - "What to Listen for in Music", "Our New Music", an "Music and Imagination". His works for band include "Emblems" and "An Outdoor Overture".


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