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Database: Composers
Name of the author: ERICKSON, FRANK
Year of Birth: 1923
Image file: Komponist/Composer
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Text information: Name: Erickson, Frank (Pseudonyme): *: 1923.09.01 in: Spokane, Washington +: in:
Frank Erickson erhielt seine musikalische Ausbildung an der "High School" in Spokane, wo er Trompete spielte und sein erstes Konzertstück für Band "The Fall of Evening" komponierte. Später studierte er dann unter Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco Komposition und er arrangierte für Tanzbands. Erst 1948 konnte er die "University of Southern California" besuchen, wo er unter Halsey Stevens Komposition studierte und für die "U.S.C. Band" arrangierte. Später machte er sich als Vortragender und Gastdirigent einen großen Namen und während seiner Schaffenszeit schrieb er über 150 Kompositionen, darunter "Balladair", "Citadel March", "Fantasy for Band", u.s.w.
Frank Erickson began to study music - playing piano and trumpet - and compose while in high school. During World War II, he arranged for army bands and, following the war, worked as a dance band arranger while studying composition with Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. He received degrees from the University of California, where he studied with Halsey Stevens. He taught at the University of California at Los Angeles and San Jose State College. Erickson has been music editor for several music publishers and he has more than 250 compositions and arrangements for band to his credit. Over 150 of his compositions have been published, including: "Balladair", "Citadel March", "Fantasy for Band", a.s.o.


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