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Database: Composers
Name of the author: MULDOWNEY, DOMINIC
Year of Birth: 1952
Image file: Komponist/Composer
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Text information: Muldowney, Dominic * 1952 in: Southampton Educated there at Taunton's Grammar School, where he began composing at the age of 14. He first studied at Southampton University with Jonathan Harvey and in London with Harrison Birtwistle, and then went on to read music at York University, where he studied composition with Bernard Rands and David Blake. From 1974-76 he was composer-in-residence to the Southern Arts Association. When Harrison Birtwistle was appointed as the Royal National Theatre¹s first Music Director in 1975, he invited Dominic Muldowney to be his assistant. Subsequently he succeeded Birtwistle as Music Director from 1981-1997 and has composed many scores for the company.

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