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Database: Composers
Name of the author: HOVEY, NILO W.
Year of Birth: 1906
Year of death: 1986
Composed works: Please click here
Arranged works: Please click here
Text information: Name: Hovey, Nilo W. (Pseudonym): *: 1906.09.22 in: Cedar Falls, Iowa +: 1986.03.14 in: Elkhart
Nilo Wellington's Unterrichtskarriere begann an der "Hammond Technical High School", später wurde er Banddirektor und Vorsitzender des "Musik education department" bei Butler. Er erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen.
Nilo Wellington's teaching career began at Hammond Technical High School, and later he was band director and chairman of the music education department at Butler. He received many awards.


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