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Database: Composers
Name of the author: GILLINGHAM, DAVID
Year of Birth: 1947
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Text information: Name: Gillingham, David (Pseudonym): *: 1947 in: Waukesha, Wisconsin +: in:
David Gillingham, gebürtig in Waukesha, Wisconsin, arbeitet derzeit als Musikprofessor an der "Central Michigan University". Er studierte bei Roger Dennis, Jere Hutcheson, James Niblock und H. Owen Reed Komposition. Gillingham's Arbeit hat in den letzten Jahren viel Beachtung erhalten. Besonders für seine mitreißende Musik für Wind und Percussion wird er gelobt. Einige seiner Arbeiten für Percussionensemble wurden zu einer Art Massenware. Dazu zählt auch "Stained Glass". Gillingham diente während des Vietnamkrieges in der Armee.
David Gillingham, a native of Waukesha, Wisconsin, is currently Professor of Music at Central Michigan University. He studied composition with Roger Dennis, Jere Hutcheson, James Niblock and H. Owen Reed. Gillingham's work has received much attention in recent years. He is particularly praised for his evocative scoring for winds and percussion. Several of his works for percussion ensembles, including "Stained Glass", have become staples of the repertoire. Gillingham served in the military during the Vietnam War.


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