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Database: Composers
Name of the author: ALEXANDER, MARZETTA
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Text information: Name: Alexander, Marzetta F. *: in: +: in:
Marzetta F. Alexander machte ihr "Bachelor's degree" in Instrumentalmusik an der "Mississippi State University". Ihr "Master's degree" im Fach Musiktheorie absolvierte sie an der "University of Florida". Sie unterrichtete Instrumentalmusik in den Pfarrschulen von New Orleans. Derzeit unterrichtet sie allgemeine und vokale Musik im "Dallas Independent School District".
Marzetta F. Alexander received a bachelor's degree in instrumental music at Mississippi State University, and a master's degree in music theory at the University of Floria. She has taught instrumental music in the Orleans Parish schools of New Orleans, and currently teaches general/vocal music in the Callas Independent School District.


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