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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Keyboard/Piano/Vocal/Gitarre
Artikelnummer: 8006038
Werktitel: No Doubt: Rock Steady
Interpret: NO DOUBT
Land: USA (US)
Cover: Cover
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Inhalt: ISBN: 0757993354, Piano/Vocal/Chords.

Titles are:
Hella Good; Hey Baby; Making out; Underneath it all; Detective; Don't let me down; Start the fire; Running; In my head; Platinum Blonde life; Waiting room; Rock steady;
Ergänzungstext: With a 30-city tour as the main event, a collaboration on the upcoming release of the highly acclaimed video game „Malice" (providing their voices and songs from Rock Steady), and three opening dates on The Rolling Stones tour, No Doubt is making the music world take notice. Continuing on the success of their previous albums and with numerous awards under its belt, No Doubt is constantly proving itself as a force to be reckoned with. The album- matching folio to Rock Steady features four pages of four-color photos, plus all the hit songs.
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