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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Zupfinstrument
Artikelnummer: 8002153
Werktitel: David Gray: A New Day at Midnight
Interpret: DAVID, GRAY
Land: USA (US)
Preis in EUR: (exkl. Mwst) aktueller Martkpreis
Inhalt: Authentic Guitar-Tab Edition.

Dead in the Water; Caroline; Long Distance Call; Freedom; Kangaroo; Last Boat to America; Real Love; Knowhere; December; Be Mine; Easy Way to cry; The other Side;
Ergänzungstext: A New Day at Midnight is the much anticipated follow-up to David Gray's highly acclaimed 1999 rrelease White Ladder. White Ladder was a chart hit around the globe, went double platinum in America, and earned Gray a Grammy nomination for Best New Artist. In A New Day at Midnight Gray is more introspective and his signature folky techno sound is a little less digital. The record explores the feelings of loss and mortality while managing to be both uplifting and life-affirming in a way only Gray knows how to convey. The result is a soulful and hauntingly beautiful album guaranteed to follow the success of its predecessor. This album-matching folio contains complete guitar transcriptions with tab and standard notation, full lyrics, and chord symbols.
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