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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Zupfinstrument
Artikelnummer: 8007770
Werktitel: The Ultimate Christmas Guitar Book
Interpret: DIVERSE
Land: USA (US)
Cover: Cover
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Preis in EUR: (exkl. Mwst) aktueller Martkpreis
Inhalt: ISBN: 0757997376

Titles include:
Angels we have heard on high; Auld lang syne; Christmas in L.A.; Deck the halls; The first noel; Good King Wenceslas; Jingle Bells; Mary Did you know; Silent Night; and many more
Ergänzungstext: The Ultimate Christmas Guitar Book contains 101 Christmas favorites, both traditional and popular. Each of these songs is arranged in easy-to-play guitar keys, with guitar chord grids shown throughout each arrangement. Be sure to have this title for the upcoming holiday Season.
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