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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Zupfinstrument
Artikelnummer: 8005397
Werktitel: Make Music with Radiohead
Interpret: RADIOHEAD
Land: USA (US)
Preis in EUR: (exkl. Mwst) aktueller Martkpreis
Inhalt: ISBN: 1843282119, Complete Lyrics/Guitar Chord Boxes/Chord Symbols.

Titles are:
Airbag; Anyone can play Guitar; Creep; Everything in ist right place; Fake plastic Trees; High & Dry; Just; Karma Police; Knives out; Lucky; My Iron Lung; No Surprises; Optimistic; Pyramid Song; Street Spirit (Fade Out);
Ergänzungstext: Radiohead is considered one of today's great UK bands, and is known worldwide. The new book Make Musik with Radiohead brings a whole host of extra features to the traditional chord songbook, making it a great value and a must for collectors and true fans of the band. Also included is an exclusive foreword by music writer Stevie Chick, tracing the history of Radiohead, plus a full discography.
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